Valorant screenshot of the container docks in the new map Icebox

[Update #2]: Valorant's cursed Update 1.11 will be making a return on Monday, November 2nd.

[Update]: Valorant has pulled back the recent Update 1.11 due to massive technical issues.

After being teased for a little while, Valorant's very first new map, Icebox, has now finally arrived! Expect to see plenty of snow, an entire jungle of storage containers, a bunch of heavy machinery, and most importantly of all, ziplines!

You can get a little bit of a sneak peek at what Icebox looks like in-game, as well as how useful the ziplines might be, through the recently posted trailer. Have a gander, it's a fairly short one:

In order to test everything out and ensure there are no major issues with the map, Icebox will only be available in unranked play for two weeks. If everything goes well, you can expect to see Icebox head over to Competitive Queue on October 27th alongside the release of the new Agent Skye.

The good news doesn't end there, however, as the Act 3 update has also brought in some significant changes to Deathmatch. The playercount has been increased to 14, you now automatically reload after every kill, the experience gain has been buffed up significantly, and most excitingly, the annoying 'location pulse' will now only trigger for you immediately after you respawn. This should make Deathmatch a lot less about camping, and a lot more about actually practicing your aim and movement, which is certainly a welcome thing!

You can read more about these changes, as well as check out the other tidbits about Act 3, over at the official website. Enjoy!