Shadowlands Chains of Domination artwork for possessed Anduin

[Update #2]: It took a while to get here, but Chains of Domination has now arrived with a bunch of new content.

[Update]: Blizzard has now detailed all of the changes coming with Update 9.1 - Chains of Domination.

It may have taken what feels like an eternity to get here, but World of Warcraft: Shadowlands' very first major content patch is now nearly upon us. You can expect to see Patch 9.1 - Chains of Domination to arrive on June 29 or 30 depending on your region.

When it comes to content, Chains of Domination will follow the usual formula. There will be a massive new zone to explore, a brand new dungeon and raid to tirelessly throw yourself against, as well as an extended story campaign alongside 40 new Renown levels.

Needless to say, there will also be a bunch of new crafting recipes to unlock, cosmetic items and battle pets to seek out, tons of balance changes to help spice things up, as well as new PvP and Mythic+ seasons to make everything feel fresh again. Perhaps most importantly, Chains of Domination will also allow you to unlock flying in the original Shadowlands zones after acquiring a couple of extra Renown levels!

You can learn a little bit more about all of these upcoming features, as well as keep an eye on any further updates from Blizzard, over at the official website. For now, however, I'll leave you a story-focused cinematic short detailing the events leading up to the Chains of Domination. Enjoy!