[Update]: It took a while to get here, but Chains of Domination has now arrived with a bunch of new content.
After an extremely long wait, especially when compared to Legion's rapid update schedule, World of Warcraft: Shadowlands' very first major content update will be launching after the server resets on June 29. Patch 9.1 - Chains of Domination will bring with it a massive new zone to explore, a brand new dungeon and raid to keep you busy for months on end, a new story campaign alongside 40 new Renown Levels, as well as the long-awaited ability to fly in the original Shadowlands zones!
Rather than babble on, allow me to share with you the recently posted and developer-narrated survival guide. It'll give you a pretty good idea of what all of these features will look like in-game, as well as what you can expect to get out of them. Have a gander:
That is merely the tip of the iceberg, however. If you're interested in all of the details, and there are an absolute ton of them, you should also head on over to the official patch notes. Despite the list being ridiculously long, Blizzard has done a pretty good job of making it easy to digest, so it's well worth checking out if you're interested in World of Warcraft's future.
Once Patch 9.1 - Chains of Domination goes live I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, you might want to finish any business you have left in the current patch before any relevant achievements and rewards get replaced with their next iteration. Good luck!