World of Warcraft: Shadowlands artwork showing off Anduin's corrupted form

[Update #2]: Sadly, it looks like the culmination of Patch 9.1 storyline is a complete and utter mess.

[Update]: Patch 9.1's brand new Sanctum of Domination raid and Tazavesh dungeon are now live!

It may have taken a very long time to get here, but World of Warcraft: Shadowlands' very first content update has now arrived. Patch 9.1 - Chains of Domination brings with it a hefty new zone to explore, an additional raid and dungeon to endless throw yourself against, a new story campaign that will see all four Covenants join forces, the long-awaited addition of flying in classic Shadowlands zones, and the list goes on for a very long time.

So rather than babble on, allow me to share with you the recently posted developer preview. It'll give you a pretty good idea of just what all of this looks like in action and what the Chains of Domination patch is even trying to achieve. Have a gander:

Naturally, Chains of Domination has also brought with it a whole host of buffs, nerfs, changes and quality of life tweaks. The list is far too big to summarize, so if you're interested in all of the details you should check out the full patch notes over at the World of Warcraft website. They're all neatly separated into various categories, so despite the update being massive the whole thing is thankfully quite easy to parse.

As a final note, it's also worth mentioning that the enemy scaling in some of the old world raids like Molten Core is currently messed up. Blizzard is aware of this issue and is working on fixing it, so if you're a fan of farming oldschool cosmetic items it might be a good idea to hold off for a few days while the problems get sorted out.

Have fun with all of the new content, and I'll leave you with the more story-focused launch trailer featuring a very angry Tyrande: