Steam Sale funny Gaben art

[Update #3]: Steam's massive Winter Sale has now arrived along with the chance to vote for the Steam Awards 2022!

[Update #2]: Steam's Autumn Sale 2022 has now arrived alongside the annual Steam Awards nominations.

[Update]: Steam's Scream Fest 2022, one of the smaller sales, has now arrived with a whole bunch of horror game discounts and free demos.

While the holiday season is definitely a good time to launch some sales, Steam went a bit overboard with the whole thing by essentially having three massive sales release one after another: the Autumn sale in November, the Winter sale in December, and the Lunar New Year sale in January. Given how barren the rest of the year was, this needed to be changed.

As such, Valve has now decided to remove the Lunar New Year sale and replace it with the Spring sale as one of the four major seasonal events. However, while the Lunar New Year sale may no longer be directly supported by Valve, it's highly likely this period will bring with it a whole bunch of discounts regardless.

Besides this reshuffling, Valve has also revealed the dates for three of the upcoming seasonal sales. Here's what you can look forward to:

Autumn Sale: Nov 22nd to Nov 29th
Winter Sale: Dec 22nd to Jan 5th
Spring Sale: March 16th to 23rd

Once each of the sales arrive I'll make sure to let you know as I'm quite eager to grab a few new games myself. Until then, you can read a tiny bit more about Valve's plans for the future over at Steam. Enjoy!