Overwatch Rising Storm screenshot on the Havana map

Overwatch's third annual Archives event has arrived a little while ago, bringing with it a brand new co-op mission, as well as a variety of new cosmetics to collect. While the Storm Rising mission was a bit of a disappointment in terms of pure gameplay, the Havana map the whole event takes place on is both beautiful and really fun to navigate!

As such, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise to hear that Blizzard has now released the entire map onto the PTR for testing! If you would like to check out the new Havana Escort map for yourself, all you'll need to do is change your server location to "PTR" on the PC version. Do that, and after a brief download you'll be able to see what exactly has changed between the event map and the standard one, as well as how the action flows when real players are involved.

If you don't really care about downloading the PTR, or if you're just up for a little bit of a sneak peek, allow me to share with you the recently posted teaser trailer. It's not exactly a long video, but it sure is a colorful one! Have a gander:

Once the Havana map goes live I'll make sure to let you know, but until then I wish you the best of luck when it comes to the new cosmetics! Oh, and make sure to check out Wrecking Ball's new skin in combination with his new highlight intro - it's quite spectacular!