Vermintide 2's very first DLC "Shadows Over Bogenhafen" arrived a little while ago, bringing with it two new and massive maps to explore, an absolute ton of balance changes, as well as a variety of new cosmetics to collect. While all of these are highly welcome features, there is one rather significant problem - obtaining the new cosmetics is a needlessly lengthy and extremely grindy process.
Thankfully, this won't be the case for long as Fatshark has now announced that they will not only be reducing the requirements for each weekly quest, but that they will also be introducing two new weekly quests to spice things up. The exact details are still unknown, but what I can tell you is that the "win 25 Quickplay games" quest will be dropping down to a much more reasonable 10 games.
This whole process will be done in two stages in order to not interrupt the update/quest reset schedule. Early this week we'll be getting the patch that will reduce the amount of wins required for the current quest, while the next week will bring two additional quests for the weekly rotation, as well as much some much-needed variety in their objectives. If you manage to complete more than 10 Quickplay games before the update arrives, you will automatically finish the whole quest and be granted a Bogenhafen chest for your efforts.
As for the future, Fatshark is looking to expand the pool of quests and make them much more interesting. Personally, I hope they tie them to the highly underutilized deed system as this would not only give it a second chance at life, but it would also spice up the gameplay with some nifty weekly challenges. The system could then be easily expanded with additional deed modifiers and side-quests, all of which would provide Vermintide 2 with even more replayability.
Once more information arrives I'll make sure to let you know, but until then I'll leave you with the Shadows Over Bogenhafen story trailer. Enjoy!