The Witcher 3's Geralt fighting a Monster Hunter: World Rathian

The Witcher 3's Geralt made his way into the console versions of Monster Hunter: World all the way back in February, bringing with him a whole bunch of content to mess around with. Quite a few months have passed since then, and while the wait certainly wasn't easy, I am happy to say that The Witcher 3 crossover event has now finally made its way to the PC version as well!

Instead of being a simple cosmetic re-skin, Geralt has arrived alongside his own unique quest and voice acting, equipment, combat moves, as well as two new bosses to face off against - the Leshen and its significantly more dangerous counterpart, the Ancient Leshen. As is tradition, the crossover event has also brought in a variety of Witcher-themed gear to craft, both for yourself and for your Palico companion.

If you're wondering what all of this looks like in gameplay terms, allow me to share with you the original trailer. Have a gander, it's a pretty good one:

The Witcher 3 crossover event is entirely free, so if you're even remotely interested I would highly recommend you hop in and see what it has to offer. And do make sure to collect all of the cosmetic items while the event is still running, because from what I've seen so far, they really are high-quality pieces! 

You can learn a little bit more about this update, as well as the bug fixes that came with it, over at Steam. Have fun!