Overwatch Mercy artwork from the official Valkyrie short story

[Update]: Overwatch is getting its very own novel starring Orisa and Efi - The Hero of Numbani.

In order to bridge the gap between major content updates, Blizzard has started releasing small challenges that expand the lore and give players a chance to acquire a couple of new cosmetic items. The challenge this time around, as you might imagine from the title, is all about Mercy and why she has decided to stick with Overwatch.

To explore this question, as well as further flesh out Mercy as a character, Blizzard has also released the Valkyrie short story. It's not exactly long, but it does provide some nice insights into a character that has so far mostly stuck to the background. So if you're a fan of Mercy, or just looking to keep up with the Overwatch lore as we wait for Overwatch 2, I'd say Valkyrie is worth the 10-15 minutes it'll take to read.

As for the challenge itself, the main reward is the legendary Dr. Ziegler skin for Mercy. To unlock it all you need to do is win nine matches across any official game mode, be this Quick Play, Competitive Play or even the Arcade. The one catch is that the event will only last until December 2nd, so you might want to get to it sooner rather than later.

There's also a couple of extra sprays you can unlock by watching Overwatch Twitch streams, as well as by completing the challenge itself. You can find the full list of sprays, as well as more information about the Recall event, over at the official website. Have fun!