[Update]: Hangar 13 have announced that a brand new Mafia game is currently in development.
In a bit of a strange move, two thirds of the Mafia: Trilogy collection released back in May 2020. To make matters even more confusing, the two games barely had any improvements between them, making the whole collection feel a bit pointless.
Thankfully, the full remake of the original Mafia game has now finally arrived, thus not only completing the trilogy, but also giving it that crucial centerpiece it so clearly lacked. I say this because the newly launched Mafia: Definitive Edition has reworked the visuals and audio from the ground up, expanded the dialogue and added even more storylines, and naturally, fixed up a whole bunch of annoyances from the original.
To be perfectly honest it's more of a spiritual successor than a proper remake, but either way, it's pretty faithful to what the original Mafia tried to accomplish. As for what it looks like in action, that you can find out through the recently posted launch trailer that also features Mafia 2 and 3. Have a peek:
To learn more about Mafia: Definitive Edition, as well as check out some of the user reviews, I'd recommend hopping over to Steam. Have fun!