Valve's Fall 2016 Battle Pass artwork

With the qualifiers for the Boston Major starting on October 23rd, Valve has opted to release the Fall 2016 Battle Pass in order to drum up a bit of excitement beforehand. And what better way to rile the Dota 2 community into a frenzy than with the introduction of new quests, as well as a whole bunch of cosmetics!

The three cosmetic sets you will be able to unlock through this batch of quests belong to: Bounty Hunter, Razor, and Bane - with each one having an upgraded version reserved for those that can gather at least 40 stars in their respective category. Before you get too excited, do keep in mind that you need to actually win your game in order for your quest completion to count, so make sure you're not just sabotaging your team in order to complete these things!

Besides the addition of a whole bunch of new hats, the Fall 2016 Battle Pass also brings with it a series of weekly tournaments. Pair up with four friends and compete in an eight-team, single-elimination playoff bracket every Saturday for a chance to win treasures, levels, and other exclusive (cosmetic) rewards. There is a bit of a twist with this season of weekly tournaments, however!

If you perform well enough in the various Battle Cup tournaments you will earn an invite to play in the exclusive Champions Cup at the end of the season. Rather than simply compete for virtual hats and praise from your friends, the Champions Cup winners will receive direct invites to play in the Spring Major Regional Qualifiers. In other words, if you ever wanted to break into the competitive Dota 2 scene by storm, but simply couldn't due to not knowing anyone on the inside, now you have a chance to do so!

Oh, and do you remember the brief teaser Valve released for Monkey King all the way back in early August? It appears that the Monkey King will most likely arriving with a new update at the tail end of fall, which in Valve terms means literally the last week of fall - December 12, 2016. The details are still currently unknown, so don't get your hopes up just yet, but chances are that Monkey King is going to be our Christmas present. Its certainly not what most people would wish for, but I doubt anyone will really complain!