[Update]: The Horde Mode XL update has now arrived, and I'm happy to say the new weapon progression system is looking quite good!
While the name might imply it's some sort of cheap cash-grab, World War Z is actually a surprisingly solid co-op shooter that had a lot of love and care poured into it. In fact, despite launching World War Z all the way back in 2019, the Saber Interactive team has just announced a brand new update for it!
Once it arrives this January 24th, World War Z's Horde Mode XL will bring with it a truly absurd number of zombies to fight, by which I mean over 1000 at a time! What this sort of madness looks like in action, that you can get a little sneak peek at through the teaser trailer below. Have a gander:
Besides increasing the amount of zombies, the January 24th update will add a variety of new weapons to toy around with, as well as improve the whole weapon progression system. Most importantly, at least as far as the Horde Mode is concerned, there will also be a new mutator system that will throw different types of challenges at you to keep things fresh and interesting across multiple runs. What exactly these challenges are going to be, however, that I'm afraid has not been announced just yet.
You can keep an eye on any teasers and previews, as well as learn more about World War Z in general, over at the official website. Enjoy, and I'll make sure to let you know once the update goes live.