Gwent: The Witcher Card Game artwork showing Ciri and Geralt

When it comes to card games with multiple classes or factions its important to know what sort of playstyle each of them represent. This not only helps you decide what sort of cards and decks you'll most likely enjoy playing with, but it also helps you gain a small edge over your opponents as you can somewhat predict what sort of strategy they're going for.

All of this usually comes with experience, but in order to speed things along for new players CDPR has just released introductory videos for all of Gwent's factions. They're all relatively short, but they do a good job of showcasing what each of the factions is all about. So if you'd like to learn a little bit more about Gwent, here they are in no particular order:



On the other hand, if you would like to give Gwent a try for yourself you'll be glad to hear that the Open Beta is now finally live. You can find out more, or just download the game, by heading over to the official website. Have fun!