Titanfall 2 screenshot of close quarters combat from the new Live Fire game mode

If you were taking a break from Titanfall 2 until new content arrives, now would be the time to come back as the most recent update has added a new game mode and three new maps to mess around in. The brand new Live Fire game mode is a fast-paced 6v6 Pilot-only mode that focuses entirely around close quarters combat and teamwork, perfect for players that want to get their Titanfall 2 fix in as little time as possible.

Since most Titanfall 2 maps would not be fit for this type of gameplay, the developers have released two maps designed specifically for Live Fire: Stacks and Meadow. They are both tight, fairly enclosed death-boxes perfect for the action orientated nature of the new game mode. If you're wondering what all of this might look like in gameplay terms, here's the recently posted teaser trailer showcasing Live Fire and the new maps:

Besides Live Fire this update has also added a brand new Coliseum map called Columns, and I think you can probably guess what this one is all about. There's also a new execution, and perhaps most importantly, the ability to create your own matchmaking 'mixtape'. In other words, you now have the ability to choose which modes you want to be matched in, which should go a long way towards keeping the less popular modes actually relevant and playable.

If you would like to learn a little bit more about Live Fire and its development in general, head on over to the latest blog post. And if not, just head on over to Titanfall 2 and check out the new features for yourself, they are free after all!

Screenshot from Titanfall 2's Live Fire game mode

Image of Titanfall 2's Colony map

Close quarters duel between two players in Titanfall 2