The Siege Of C-J6MT is an excellent EVE Online video

EVE Online might not be the most interesting game in the universe to play, but when it comes to producing truly fascinating stories there is simply nothing that can match it.

The Siege Of C-J6MT video is a stellar example of this as it manages to condense over a month of intrigue, plotting and fighting in to a five minute long video that is an absolutely captivating experience. Have a look, its well worth the time:


The video come from Andrew Groen, an EVE Online "historian" who has spent the better part of the last few years researching and writing about the EVE universe, its politics, battles, and the various factions that inhabit it.

The culmination of all this effort is the Empires of Eve book that has released yesterday to some great reviews across the board, though I will warn you right now that the price is a bit higher than what you might expect a standard book to cost.