Ever since its original announcement Destiny 2 was pinned for a September 8th release date for both PC and consoles. However, according to the recent E3 presentation that is no longer the case. The console versions of Destiny 2 will be ready to launch on September 6th, while the PC version is scheduled for October 24th.
Additionally, there will be two beta periods for everyone to check out what Destiny 2 has to offer. Those that pre-order a PS4 version will be able to gain early beta access on July 18th, while the Xbox One pre-orders will get their turn on July 19th. After that the public beta test will begin on July 21st, though it will only last until July 23rd. The PC beta is planned for late August, though there is no specific date set right now.
Besides this massive information dump Bungie has also released a brand new story trailer showcasing the 'big bad'. So if you're wondering what in the world you're even going to be fighting against in Destiny 2, you'll find the video right below. Enjoy!