If you're a fan of action-platformers and you've never given the modern Rayman games a try, consider this a perfect opportunity to correct that mistake. Simply head on over to the Ubisoft website, create or log into your account, and you'll be able to grab Rayman Legends for the low, low price of absolutely nothing.
You might want to hurry, however, as there is a bit of a strict time limit. Rayman Legends will only be available for free until April 3rd, so do make sure to add it to your account before it goes back to its usual $30 price tag. Naturally, once you've claimed a copy, you'll be able to play whenever you want.
When it comes to the question of whether Rayman Legends is even worth playing, I would say the answer is most certainly yes. To put it simply, Rayman Legends is a charming, well polished and highly entertaining platformer with a rather savage difficulty curve towards the end. I'd recommend playing it with a friend as it makes the whole experience all the more frantic, but even if you're going solo, Rayman Legends should be a pretty good time.
Have fun, and I'll leave you with one of the trailers: