Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Painting, besides being a ridiculously long title, is a cutesy JRPG that will have you wonder across the world in search of rare ingredients and items with which you can enhance your weapons or drastically change the course of each battle. If you've played any of the untold Atelier games then the concept should be immediately familiar.
Speaking of which, you might be glad to hear that the protagonists from the previous Atelier Sophie and Atelier Firis will also be making an appearance. As such, you can expect to see Sophie, Plachta, Firis and Liana help out the titular twins Lydie and Suelle in their efforts to uncover the secrets behind a strange-looking painting. Along the way you'll meet new characters, visit a colorful and somewhat alien new world, and naturally, collect tons upon tons of alchemical reagents.
If you're wondering what all of this looks like in-game, allow me to share with you two of the trailers. The first one is the cinematic intro that should give you a decent idea of the tone and themes Atelier Lydie & Suelle is going for, while the second video will offer some much-needed gameplay footage. Have a gander:
Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings is now available on PC, PS4 and Switch. You can learn more about the characters, the world and the combat in general by heading over to the official website.