Offworld Trading Company official artwork with logo

If you're in the mood for trying something new, you might be interested to hear that both the economy-based strategy game Offworld Trading Company and the roguelike action-platformer GoNNER are currently free to grab. Simply head on over to the Epic Games Store, create or log into your account, and you'll be able to play them in no time at all.

However, there is a bit of a time-limit when it comes to grabbing the games themselves. As such, you only have until March 12th to add both games to your account, after which you'll be able to play them whenever you want.

For those of you wondering whether either game is actually worth the trouble, I'm afraid I really don't know as I haven't played them. That said, both seem to have pretty good user reviews, so odds are if you're into the genre, you'll likely have a good time with them. And if not, at least you didn't have to pay to find out!

Have fun, and I'll leave you with one of the trailers for Offworld Trading Company: