Official artwork and logo for Shadowrun Returns

If you're a fan of turn-based RPGs with a great deal of customization, you might be interested to hear that Shadowrun Returns is currently free on the Humble Store. The catch is that the promotion will only last for another ~14 hours, so do make sure to grab it as soon as possible.

As for whether it's actually worth your time, I would say the answer is a definite yes if you're an RPG fan. While Shadowrun Returns is the weakest of the three modern Shadowrun games, it's still a highly entertaining RPG that kept me glued to the screen for two days straight, and that is about as high of a praise I can offer. So for the low, low price of free, I would say it's well worth giving it a try!

For those of you wondering what all of this might look like in-game, allow me to send you off with a brief trailer. It'll give you a pretty decent idea of just what Shadowrun Returns is all about. Have fun!