Overwatch screenshot of Junkrat and Roadhog jumping away from an explosion

With the extremely short post-season break now well and truly over, Overwatch's 12th competitive season has now officially begun. While this new season will most likely feel quite similar to the previous one, mostly because all of the major balance changes and bug fixes are still on the PTR, there is an important change you need to be aware of - the Avoid as Teammate slots have been increased from two to three.

It's not exactly a massive improvement to the ranked experience, but it should still go a long way towards making your games just a bit more pleasant, especially if you're at the higher or lower ends of the ladder as there are less players around. That said, it sure would be nice if Blizzard also made it so avoiding a new player would remove the oldest one from your list, just to help streamline the whole process.

As for whether this season is worth investing time into, I would say the answer is a tentative yes. The balance is (as always) a bit of a mess with some heroes being a lot stronger than the rest, but for the most part you can pick up whatever hero you enjoy and make them work through skill and experience alone. Even niche picks like Torbjorn or Mei have plenty of room to shine, so if you feel like giving Overwatch another chance, this would be a pretty decent season to do so.

You can learn more about the upcoming changes and bug fixes over at the official website, and with that said, I wish you the best of luck with your placement matches!