[Update]: December 1, 2020 has now arrived, and with it Empire of Sin has been unleashed!
Empire of Sin, Romero Games' seedy turn-based strategy game set in 1920s Chicago, was originally supposed to arrive in spring of 2020. As is tradition with pretty much every game this year, its release date ended up being pushed back in order to ensure the team has enough time to get everything polished up and ready to go.
A fair bit of time has gone by since then, and I'm pleased to say that we can now finally see the light at the end of this tunnel. In other words, Empire of Sin will be arriving onto PC and consoles on December 1st!
As for what exactly you can expect in terms of gameplay, that you can find out through the recently posted trailer. It's a bit brief, but it should get you into the right mood regardless. Have a gander:
To learn more about Empire of Sin, as well as keep track of any future developer-guided previews, you should hop on over to the official website.