Rainbow Six Siege screenshot of Thatcher and Dokkaebi from the CGI short

While each of the operators has their own distinct personality, Rainbow Six Siege has never really been focused on storytelling. However, given the latest CGI short, it would appear that Ubisoft is now looking towards expanding the lore, fleshing out the characters, and moving the overall story forward.

So if you're interested in a closer look at Thatcher, one of Rainbow Six Siege's original operators, as well as the Korean hacker Dokkaebi, you'll find the The Hammer and the Scalpel CGI short right below. Have a gander, it's quite an entertaining one:

I know very little about Rainbow Six lore so I won't even pretend to understand some of the references found throughout the CGI short, but I do have to admit that Ubisoft has done an excellent job fleshing out Thatcher! I can only hope they'll now go back and update his in-game lines, because compared to this short the in-game Thatcher is just not that interesting of a character. 

Whatever the case may be, you can read more about the characters, as well as what Ubisoft has planned for Rainbow Six Siege's future, over at the official website.