Stones Unturned, Mafia 3's second piece of DLC, has now arrived with a brand new story centered around John Donovan. Together you will be trying to uncover a dangerous plot in New Bordeaux that will lead you on a chase throughout the city, and ultimately to a new island location filled with secrets and interesting places to explore.
If you're interested in seeing what this new location might look like in-game, here's the recently posted launch trailer that showcases just that. Its a bit light on gameplay, but it'll at least give you a good idea of what the story is all about. Have a look:
Besides the new location to explore alongside your buddy Donovan there will also be new bounty hunting missions to undertake, a variety of new weapons, vehicles, and outfits to collect, as well as a newly added sniper service to help you quickly take out a large amounts of enemies at range. Naturally, if you own the Season Pass the DLC has already been added to your account, so don't make the mistake of purchasing a second copy by accident!
If you would like to learn more about Stones Unturned, or just grab yourself a copy, you should head over to either the official website or Steam. And finally, here's a couple of images to send you on your merry way: