Life is Strange's main character

Life is Strange is a five part episodic adventure made in the style of Telltale's modern games, though with a far greater focus on choices and actual, real consequences. While it does have the occasional weak moment and cringe-worthy dialogue, its one of the best narrative-driven games I've played in a very long time.

If you've never given it a try but feel like it might be the sort of thing you'd be interested in, you're in luck as Dontnod has just made Episode 1: Chrysalis completely free for all platforms. Here's the trailer to give you an idea of what you're getting into:


You can download it for free by heading over to the official website and then choosing which platforms you want to grab it on, but if you just want the Steam version, you can grab it by heading over here

Finally, if you would like to buy every single episode you can do so at a currently ongoing 25% discount which brings the price down to $15/€15. Its not as low as it was during the recent Steam Summer Sale, so if you feel like waiting you can probably get it much cheaper later down the line, though that does mean living with a cliffhanger for what could be months. 

Life is Strange Max with a pistol