Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens is coming this June 28th

[Update]: After many delays, Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga has now been pinned for a April 5th, 2022 release date.

After being yet another big announcement the official Xbox site leaked in two days the Lego version of Star Wars: The Force Awakens has now been officially confirmed.

Alongside the movie storyline Lego Star Wars will bring with it an exclusive chapter bridging together Return of the Jedi with The Force Awakens meaning that this Lego game is going to be setting canon! Here's the announcement trailer:


Despite quite clearly being made for younger audiences the Lego games are usually very well done with plenty of humor and charm anyone can enjoy. They might not be the most complex games out there but I can't say I ever regretted playing one so I do hope the same applies to The Force Awakens as well.

While there is no actual gameplay footage I'm going to go out on a limb here and say its probably going to be exactly the same as every other Lego game, a nice and lighthearted romp through famous locations and scenes from the movie with some extra zaniness added on top.

Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be coming to the PC and every console under the Sun this June 28th.