Elite: Dangerous massive ship screenshot

If you're looking for something interesting to help pass the time before Cyberpunk 2077 comes along, you might be happy to hear that the space sim Elite: Dangerous is currently free to grab. Simply head on over to the Epic Games Store, snag yourself a copy, and you'll be good to go after a brief download.

As the title would suggest, the only catch is the time limit. The giveaway will only be around for another day, so if Elite: Dangerous looks like it might be up your alley, you should definitely go get yourself a copy sooner rather than later, just to play it safe.

For those of you curious about its actual quality, I would say that Elite: Dangerous is a pretty darn good game... for a niche audience. Elite: Dangerous' learning curve is steep and its gameplay open-ended, so your enjoyment of it will highly depend on how much you're willing to immerse yourself into the role of a space trucker & explorer, as well as how much you're willing to create your own reasons to roam across the universe. That said, it is currently entirely free, so why not give it a try and see where you fall?

You can learn more about Elite: Dangerous, as well as keep an eye on any future expansions, over at the official website. Have fun, and I'll leave you with a brief trailer: