Geese Howard from Tekken 7 screenshot

When it comes to fighting games these days it appears that crossovers are the all the rage. Some games are being designed from the ground up as a massive crossover between multiple series, while others such as Tekken 7 are inviting characters from different games to join their ever-expanding roster.

As you can probably guess from the title alone, for Tekken 7 this means that Geese Howard of Fatal Fury fame will be coming to bolster the ranks. The details are currently a bit shaky, but you can expect to see Geese Howard arrive as a part of DLC #2 this Winter, though no specific release date has been given just yet.

In accordance to his status as 'main bad guy' Geese Howard's story will revolve around trying to destroy all of the other Tekken fighters, and naturally, attempting to rule the world. For some reason he seems particularly cross with Heihachi, as you can see in the recently posted teaser trailer. So if you're interested in checking out Geese Howard's fighting style you'll find the video right below. Enjoy!