Far Cry 5: Lost on Mars DLC screenshot of our character and a dead alien

After a fairly disappointing romp through Vietnam, Far Cry 5's second post-launch adventure Lost on Mars is coming this July 17th to hopefully redeem the entire Season Pass. As you might expect from the name alone, you'll have to thwart an alien invasion by shooting, melting, exploding or simply slicing through all sorts of Martian bugs!

While there is no gameplay preview available just yet, the recently posted teaser trailer should give you a pretty good idea of just how cheesy the Lost on Mars DLC is going to be. Have a gander:

I would love to tell you more as I'm also quite curious to see if this DLC will come even close to the glory of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, but I'm afraid there's just not much information currently available. You can learn a few more tidbits by visiting the official website, though I expect we'll have to wait until July 17th for some actual details.