Elite: Dangerous will support all VR tech including Oculus Rift

If you're an avid reader of gaming news you would have notices plenty of headlines today stating that Elite: Dangerous developer Frontier will not be supporting Oculus Rift going forward.

As it turns out there was quite the misunderstanding and Frontier has recently issued a follow-up statement saying that they plan to support all forms of VR and are actively working with the Oculus team. Here's the full quote:

"In case people are alarmed by the headline or confused on the details, we thought it best to reiterate what we've been saying since the release of the Oculus 0.6 SDK. As quoted in the story, we are actively working with Oculus and will keep the community updated as soon as we are able to do so.

We are keen to support VR in all its forms and we are proud to be leading the way in VR gaming."

Furthermore the rumors that Elite: Dangerous has an exclusive agreement with HTC to release first on the Vive have also been debunked, as community manager head Zac Antonaci said:

"I certainly can. I can confirm that there is no deal to release Elite on HTC first. Valve released a stable driver before Oculus but we remain in close contact with Oculus."

So there you have it, an entire day of misinformation, panic and anger cleared up in a single forum post, now that's effective community management.