Apex Legends screenshot of Ash and the Storm Point map

[Update #2]: Apex Legends' newest animated short offers a closer look at Bangalore's bloody backstory.

[Update]: Apex Legends' Season 11 "Escape" has now arrived, and so far it's been a remarkably smooth launch.

While new information is still slowly trickling in, Apex Legends' upcoming Season 11 update "Escape" is already looking quite exciting. Not only will be getting Titanfall 2's antagonist Ash as a brand new Legend alongside the C.A.R SMG, but also a spider-infested tropical map to roam around in - Storm Point!

Rather than babble on, allow me to share with you two of the recent previews. The first one will give you a pretty good idea of just what Ash and her pet rat are capable of, while the second will give you a bit of an overview of the new Storm Point map. Have a peek:

Perhaps the most interesting thing about Storm Point is that it will only have one jump tower on the entire map. Instead, most of your rotations will be done through the use of newly placed Gravity Cannons as well as the good ol' Trident hovercrafts. Neither of those are particularly subtle though, so I'm fully expecting Storm Point to be a lot more tricky to navigate unimpeded than the previous maps.

Whatever the case may be, I suppose we'll find out soon enough as Season 11: Escape is set to launch on November 2nd. Once it does I'll make sure to let you know, but for now you can read a little bit more about it and the Storm Point map over at the Apex Legends website.