Tacoma is a sci-fi, narrative-focused adventure from the creators of Gone Home. The story takes place in the year 2088 on a high-tech space station, where you will need to use a variety of tools in order to figure out who the crew were, how they lived, and what exactly happened to them when disaster struck. Finding the answers, as you might expect, will take you on quite a journey!
If that sounds like something you could be interested in, then you should head on over to the Humble website as Tacoma is currently entirely free to grab. However, it will only be available until March 24th or until Humble runs out of keys, so do make sure to snatch yourself a copy as soon as possible.
I've unfortunately not played Tacoma myself, but what I can tell you is that its reviews are rock solid across the board. So if you don't mind the focus being put squarely on the storytelling and atmosphere, I would say that Tacoma is well worth checking out. After all, it is entirely free!
And just for good measure, allow me to leave you with the launch trailer. It should give you a decent idea of what to expect from Tacoma. Have fun!