Noita official artwork and logo

If you're a fan of the the highly destructive action-roguelike Noita I'm afraid I bring both good and bad news. The good news is that the massive Epilogue update has just arrived with a whole bunch of new features and quality-of-life changes, including an assortment of sneaky secrets to uncover!

The bad news, as you might guess from the title of the update, is that this is almost certainly the final update for Noita. While the Nolla Games team will still be keeping an eye out for any bugs and potential performance problems, the Epilogue update will indeed be the last batch of official content.

However, while the developers may be moving on to their next project, this doesn't mean that Noita has now met its end. Thanks to a rather vibrant modding community over at the Steam Workshop, there is a good chance Noita will still have new and interesting things for you to explore for a long, long time to come.

You can learn more about the Epilogue update, as well as check out the full list of changes, over at Steam. Have fun, and here's to hoping that whatever project Nolla Games decide to work on next will be just as creative as Noita itself!