Layers of Fear 2 screenshot of a rather spooky hallway

The original Layers of Fear is a first-person psychological horror game with a focus on storytelling and exploration, as is tradition. From what I can recall it had a pretty darn good start with some solid atmosphere and interesting events to back it all up, but as I went further along the jumpscares became more and more predictable and the horror elements kind of faded away. I'd still rate it as a pretty decent horror game, but if you ask me, the studio's next game >observer_ was much more impressive.

It would appear that I am in the minority here, however, as the developers have just recently come out to announce that Layers of Fear 2 is getting a sequel! Not much is known about it so far, but if you'd like a couple of hints points you towards what Layers of Fear 2's story will be like, you'll find the recently posted teaser trailer right below. Have a gander:


I can only hope the developers will try and avoid relying too much on jumpscares this time around, and instead really go all-in on the psychedelic elements that make the original stand out from the rest of the horror genre. After all, a loud noise will get an immediate reaction and then get disregarded just as quickly, whereas some slow-boiling tension and atmosphere can really crank up the feeling of dread and make the whole gameplay experience that much more engaging. That said, >observer_ has shown that Bloober Team really has improved when it comes to crafting horror games, so here's to hoping Layers of Fear 2 will manage to surpass everything they've done so far!

Once more information bubbles to the surface I'll make sure to let you know, but until then you might want to go and check out the original Layers of Fear - just to get a better impression of the overall story. Enjoy!