Resident Evil 3 screenshot of Nemesis from up close

[Update]: Resident Evil 3 and its companion Resident Evil 3 Resistance have been released, though sadly they don't seem to have lived up to the high standards set by Resident Evil 2.

After quite a few rumors and teasers, the Resident Evil 3 demo has now finally been unleashed. It features around 20-30 minutes of gameplay and will give you a chance to toy around with a whole horde of zombies, figure out the best usage of environmental traps, as well as flee in terror from the big boy himself - Nemesis.

Perhaps most importantly, the Resident Evil 3 demo is not time-limited! So while you can't progress past the fire hydrant area, you can replay it indefinitely and explore the decently-sized chunk of Raccoon City to your heart's content. And yes, this does mean you can potentially run from Nemesis for hours on end, if you're so inclined.

Overwatch's newest hero Echo pointing to the left

[Update #2]: Overwatch's final hero Echo has now been released for both casual and competitive play.

[Update]: Blizzard has revealed Echo's basic cosmetics, as well as announced that they're working on changing the Competitive Map Pools.

Given the recent Origin Story trailer and Echo's overall calm demeanor, the consensus among the Overwatch community was that she would be some sort of support hero. As it turns out, Echo is an absolutely restless DPS hero with perhaps the most unique ultimate in all of Overwatch!

Her primary attack is multiple projectiles with a decent bit of spread which makes them strong at close-medium range, but more or less a mere nuisance at long range. To further enforce this idea of close-quarters combat, Echo's secondary attack fires off multiple sticky bombs that detonate after a short period of time. Since these types of attacks need a bit of mobility in order be effective, you'll either be glad or horrified to hear that Echo also has the ability to fly in any direction on a fairly low cooldown!

Doom Eternal artwork with logo

If you're in the mood for brutalizing horde after horde of demons, you'll be glad to hear that Doom Eternal has now arrived for both PC and consoles. Expect to see a bunch of new enemies and weapons, more interesting multiplayer than what was found in Doom 2016, even more storylines to completely gloss over, as well as a surprisingly atmospheric metal soundtrack.

You can get a pretty good impression of what all of this looks like in action, as well as what the new story might be about, through the launch trailer down below. Have a gander:

Borderlands 3 artwork for the Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC

[Update #2]: Borderlands devs are working on a more RPG focused spin-off - Tiny Tina's Wonderlands.

[Update]: The Guns, Love and Tentacles DLC has now arrived, and unfortunately it's a bit on the short side of things.

This March 26th Borderlands 3 will be getting a brand new piece of DLC celebrating the marriage of Wainwright and Hammerlock in the only way Borderlands knows how - with tons and tons of explosions. The Guns, Love and Tentacles DLC will bring with it a large new region to explore, an assortment of new loot to use and immediately discard once you find even shinier weapons, as well as some lovely Borderlands 2 nostalgia.

If you're wondering what all of this looks like in action, however, wonder no more as Gearbox has now released a ~12 minute preview showing off both Gaige and the very beginning of the DLC. Have a gander:

Guild Wars 2 Visions of the Past update screenshot of a golem

[Update]: Chapter 3 of The Icebrood Saga is bringing in a massive new map and an all-out civil war between the Charr factions.

While Guild Wars 2's Living World content is fully replayable these days, the original Season 1 missions with their crazy characters and storylines are unfortunately still unavailable. There is a bit of good news on this front, however, as ArenaNet has just re-released four Season 1 missions as a part of the freshly launched Visions of the Past update!

The update has also added a new Public Mission where you'll get to accompany Ryland Steelcatcher and his rather impressive Charr tank as they attempt to bring down the Ancient Forgeman. And just for good measure, there's also a brand new storyline that offers a bit of a different perspective on the "Whisper in the Dark" mission, and will once again have you accompany Ryland as he seeks to discover the truth behind the fate of the Vigil leader Almorra Soulkeeper.

Granblue Fantasy: Versus artwork showing off the characters

After spending a short amount of time on the PS4, Arc System Works' newest fighting game Granblue Fantasy: Versus has now also landed onto PC via Steam. The freshly released PC version brings with it a variety of graphical customization options to tweak, support for gamepad and keyboard/mouse controls, as well as both Japanese and English voice acting.

You can get a pretty good idea of what Granblue Fantasy: Versus looks like in gameplay terms, as well as what the singleplayer focused RPG mode has to offer, through one of the trailers down below. Have a peek:

Football Manager 2020 official artwork without logo

[Update]: Somewhat unrelated, but it's also worth mentioning that the excellent Tomb Raider 2013 is entirely free to grab on Steam until March 24th.

If you currently have a bit of free time and you're willing to try something a bit out of the ordinary, you might be interested to hear that Football Manager 2020 is having an extended free trial. Simply head on over to Steam, click on that giant "Play Game" button, and you'll be ready to bankrupt club after club in no time!

Speaking of which, there is a bit of a time limit with this trial. However, unlike the usual free weekend which gives you a couple of days at best, Football Manager will be entirely free to play until 3pm GMT on March 25th, which is more than enough time to get a good impression of it.

Overwatch official artwork for Echo

[Update #2]: Overwatch's final hero Echo has now been released for both casual and competitive play.

[Update]: Echo has now been unleashed onto the PTR, and while she's not a support hero as many had expected, she is really fun to play!

When Blizzard first started teasing Hero 32, I speculated that it would either be Dr. Mina Liao, one of the original founders of Overwatch, or the strange Omnic Echo that appeared as a part of McCree and Ashe's cinematic short. What I didn't even consider, however, is that Hero 32 would be a strange mixture of both!

Designed by Liao, Echo is a rapidly adapting artificial intelligence that embodies all of her creator's hopes and dreams. How exactly this came to be, as well as why Echo was even created, you'll find out through the newest story trailer. Have a look:

Hearthstone's artwork for Illidan from the cinematic trailer

Blizzard has said many times before that they would prefer to keep fleshing out the current classes rather than creating new ones, which is I'm both surprised and happy to say they'll soon be bringing in the Demon Hunter! Much like its World of Warcraft counterpart, the Demon Hunter class will have a fast and aggressive gameplay style, with the Hero Power only further enforcing this by boosting the Demon Hunter's attack by one for the low cost of one mana.

However, unlike the Warrior which can offset the health cost of their aggression through armor cards, the Demon Hunter will not have access to any direct healing spells. Instead, you'll need to keep your health topped off through lifestealing, which should be quite interesting as it gives your opponent a chance to mess you up through the use of large taunt minions and damage buffs.

Dragon's Dogma official screenshot

If you're currently stuck in isolation and you need something to help spend the time, you might want to check out the newly launched Humble Bundle. It's filled to the brim with Capcom games, as well as discounts for some of the newer ones, so it should keep you entertained for quite a while.

When it comes to the games themselves, the bundle contains the likes of Resident Evil Revelations 1 and 2, Dragon's Dogma, Resident Evil HD Remaster and quite a few other ones I found myself enjoying. You can find the full list, as well as the pricing tier each game appears in, right below: