Dota Underlords official artwork and logo

[Update]: Dota Underlords has now been officially released from Steam Early Access alongside the Season 1 patch.

Unlike most things Valve works on, the development on Dota Underlords has been surprisingly quick. We went from a small leak to a full announcement in about a week, after which it only took a month for the full game to appear in Closed Beta!

And if that just isn't fast enough for you, Valve has now also released an Open Beta version of Dota Underlords! So if you're even remotely curious about what Valve's spin on the popular Dota Auto Chess formula has to offer, you might want to give Dota Underlords a try on either Steam, iOS or Android.

In terms of content, Dota Underlords is currently a bit limited as it's still in early beta. That said, all of the main features are present and accounted for. You can play online against other players regardless of their platform, your progress will carry over no matter the device you play on, you can test your skills against the best players in ranked matchmaking, and perhaps most importantly, there's a variety of AI opponents to help you learn the game at your own pace.

While no release date has been announced for any of these features, Valve is currently working on creating more Underlord personas with their own abilities and playstyles, as well as adding a Battle Pass filled with cosmetics, custom boards, and various other ways to spruce up your gameplay. You can also expect to see daily challenges, a progression system, tournaments, seasonal rotations and the list goes on.

You can read a little bit more about Valve's plans for Dota Underlords, as well as give it a try for yourself, over at Steam. Have fun!