Apex Legends screenshot of Valkyrie's bombardment from the new trailer

[Update #2]: The massive Season 9 update has now brought in Valkyrie, Arenas and plenty of server issues!

[Update]: Apex Legends has detailed all of the additions and balance changes coming in with Season 9.

Legacy, Apex Legends' Season 9, will be heading over to PC and consoles on May 4, 2021. It'll bring with it Valkyrie as a brand new Legend, the medium-ranged Bocek Bow, a nature-infested version of Olympus to shake things up a bit, and most importantly of all, a brand new Arena game mode!

While the exact details are still few and far between, you'll be happy to hear Respawn has now released a brand new trailer highlighting Valkyrie and the three new Arena maps, as well as giving every other Legend a brief time to shine! Have a gander:

Whether there will only be three Arena maps or if this is merely a teaser for something far greater, I have no idea. What I can tell you is that one of the maps will be taking place on a snow-covered chunk of World's Edge, another near the Artillery part of Kings Canyon, and the third one in a nighttime version of Olympus.

Once we get some concrete details, most likely once the upcoming gameplay preview goes live, I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, you should check out Valkyrie's cinematic short if you've managed to miss it, especially if you're a fan of Titanfall 2!