No Man’s Sky's Prism update screenshot of the space station core

[Update]: No Man's Sky's Sentinel update has overhauled combat, added new robotic AI companions, tweaked a variety of visual effects, and the list goes on for a while.

Even though they've long since fixed No Man’s Sky and transformed it into a genuinely good experience, Hello Games don't seem to be showing any signs of slowing down with their major updates. If anything, they are getting more and more ambitious as the newest Prisms update has brought with it a whole bunch of visual improvements, on top of some long-requested community features.

You can expect to see improved reflections and support for screen space reflection technology, as well as new styles of volumetric lighting alongside better optimization for lighting in general. Hyperdrive warp effects have also been greatly improved, while new parallax occlusion mapping tech has brought additional depth to previously flat surfaces, and the list goes on for a while.

Since all of this is incredibly hard to process through text alone, allow me to share with you the recently posted trailer. That one should give you a much better idea of just what has changed and how. Have a gander:

Besides all of the visual improvements, the Prisms update has also brought in a couple of long-requested features. First and foremost, you can now pretty much tame every single creature in order to have it be your companion, and in the case of flying animals, use them to soar across the skies! Prisms has also made rare materials spawn during particularly nasty storms and weather events to encourage exploration, made some of the UI prompts easier to read at a glance, and even made managing Freighter bases a lot more pleasant.

All of this is just the tip of the iceberg, however, so if you're curious about all of the details I'd recommend heading over to the No Man's Sky website. Enjoy!