Overwatch hero Mei freezing a poor old Roadhog

Overwatch is currently one of the most popular games around, and even if you're not an FPS player I'm sure you've at some point wondered about giving it a try. If this is the case, allow me to give you some extremely good news as the Overwatch free-to-play weekend has just begun across all three platforms!

Starting from today and lasting all the way until November 21 you'll be able to experience everything Overwatch has to offer. In other words, you will have full access to all of the heroes, all of the maps, the newly added Arcade Mode, and even all of the cosmetic Loot Boxes you get by playing matches! So if you ever wanted to check out what Overwatch is all about, now would be the best time to do so!

In order to start playing you will first need to make a Battle.Net account, but that's as far as the technicalities go. Once you have the account set up all you'll need to do is download Overwatch and hop into Quick Play for some good ol' fashioned FPS madness. Oh, and if you end up liking Overwatch so much that you decide to purchase it, you'll get to keep all of the progress you've done so far, so don't worry about those lovely little Loot Boxes going to waste!

On a slightly unrelated note, if you do decide to grab Overwatch make sure to check out its cross-promotion event with Heroes of the Storm as its currently an easy way of getting a time-limited and extremely awesome Oni Genji skin. Even if you're not interested in Heroes of the Storm the whole event is still worth doing as the entire process takes around an hour to complete. So if you're interested in learning more, or just figuring out how to do it in the most efficient way possible, head over here. Have fun!