Star Wars Battlefront 2 screenshot of the Star Destroyer

Star Wars Battlefront 1 got a fair bit of criticism due to a lack of content, so I'm very glad to say that Battlefront 2 looks to be in much better shape. Its bringing with it a lot more maps, a large variety of vehicles and weapons spread across some of the most famous Star Wars time periods, space-based combat with a decent chunk of unique ships, and naturally, the usual boatload of heroes and villains. Whether its going to be any good or not, that I don't know, but there's certainly going to be a lot more content to explore!

If you're interested in seeing what all of this content looks like in action, however, you'll find the recently posted overview video right below. Its not exactly a detailed video, but it should be enough to give you a good idea of just what Battlefront 2 is all about. Have a look:

Star Wars Battlefront 2 will be coming to PC and consoles on November 17th, but if you don't feel like waiting that long there will also be an Open Beta in October. More specifically, the Open Beta will be available for both PC and consoles on October 6th, while those that have decided to pre-order will be given access two days earlier, on October 4th. The Open Beta will last until October 9th, so you should have plenty of time to give Battlefront 2 a try and see whether its something you're going to enjoy or not. And finally, if you would like to learn more about the gameplay or story I would suggest heading over to the official website.